bank regulatory frameworks
Analyse, design and implement domestic and international bank regulatory frameworks aimed at supporting financial stability to ensure compliance with established FSB and Basel standards and preserve international competitiveness
Removing barriers to Resolvability
Advise on approaches to restructure domestic and global operations of systemic banks to meet international and domestic resolvability requirements and remove bank barriers including loss absorbing capacity requirements
Financial Safety Net & Bank resolution
Advise authorities and banks on the financial safety net arrangements, including supervisory early intervention powers, bank recovery planning and resolution planning regulations as well as contingency planning for crisis response
Crisis management
Develop and deliver crisis simulation exercises for authorities and the related crisis management capabilities, including governance and coordination arrangements to help institutions discharge their function as resolution authority
Bank Resolution planning
Support authorities and banks define an approach to resolution planning and the application of that approach to banks overtime through designing tailored work programs to ensure and assess compliance with resolvability requirement
Central BankING & Crisis Lending
Advise on the design of central bank backstop liquidity facilities, including funding in resolution facilities for crisis management as well as the liquidity reporting requirements on banks necessary to manage a crisis